Friday 9 September 2011

How To Make Money By Daniel Baca

I made a financial killing buying and selling bulk and wholesale DVDs. I do not why, but they sell like hot cakes. eBay is a great place to buy cheap DVDs and resell them. You can find great bulk discounts and make a profit., however is the king when selling DVDs. I would buy large bulks of Disney DVDs for "pennies on the dollar" and resell them for close to full-price on Amazon making a 300% profit each week. Just be careful and go slow because Amazon will forever block you if you get too big. Believe me.
Also, I would buy DVDs wholesale and sell them in bulk. If you search online for websites that "buy DVDs", you will see what I am talking about. I would sell 300-1000 DVDs in one shot and do very well.
Last but not least, I did very well on The only problem with Craigslist is that it only works locally. You need to drive to meet your customers, so that of course cuts in on your profit. However, again, I did very well.
The trick is to find where to buy the DVDs. Chinese wholesalers have great products. I never had a problem returning items to China and receiving a refund. They are great business people.
Wholesale Kids Clothing
My newest venture is buying selling wholesale kids clothing. I have several ads online with eBay, Craigslist and online flea markets. I also have my own website where customers can buy direct.
The best online marketing for a wholesale clothes website is through article marketing. Parents, kids and wholesalers are always looking for information about their interests. If you like writing (or even if you don't) you should be doing article marketing for your website. It places your site in a higher ranking and get you more traffic.
I also buy the physical clothing and sell them at the flea market. Flea markets are great. I have always made hundreds of dollars selling at flea markets. I used to sell cell phones at flea markets and did awesome. Just find a great place to buy kids clothes very cheap, order a bulk order and set up a table at the flea market. Trust me, you will do great and make a nice profit.
There are no guarantees. However, without risk there is no reward. You will never make money if you don't try. Do some market research before buying anything. Place sample ads on Craigslist to see how people respond. If the response is good and you get several emails, then you have created a demand.
Go to the flea markets and check out your competition. See what kind or crowd is there. Spot out the best place to set up your table. Reserve your table at least a week in advance.
Just try something. It all comes down to buying and selling. The good news it, you do NOT have to spend a lot of money to get started. Start small, then use the profit you make to buy a little more. Grow your profit slowly and you will find success. Or you can create your own product and find a way to sell it.
Integrity is key. The number 1 trait of all millionaires is integrity. By honest. Have fun. And shoot for the stars.
CLICK HERE to save 50%-70% below retail kids clothing! REGISTER FOR FREE to make extra money buying and selling designer brand childrens clothing without breaking the bank.

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