Tuesday 20 September 2011

How Can I Get Money to Start My Own Business?

In the world of business consulting one of the most common questions I often hear is "how can I get money to start my own business?" Unfortunately, the answer is more complicated than you would think...
Before you acquire the capital to start a new business, it's smart to do some strategizing before hand. The best way to approach this is to draft a basic copy of a business plan outlying the mission and vision statement and then following up regarding areas and departments in the business such as management, operations, marketing, sales etc...
In addition, it would probably be a good idea to research competitors that you may need to outmaneuver to obtain customers and business.
If you are starting a business for the first time, I would recommend starting small with something that doesn't require a great deal of overhead or capital investment. One possibility is starting a network of blogs that obtain revenue from traffic by means of advertising and affiliate marketing. This has been an outstanding strategy that many entrepreneurs have used when they were first starting out.
The following is a list of suggestions for trying to raise money for your enterprise:
Sell items on eBay and place the revenue in a business account.
Have a garage sale and let the neighborhood know that it is for a good cause.
Attempt to obtain government grant money.
Review your business plan with friends and relatives and try to find investors.
Obtain a part time job and place a portion of your income aside as starter money.
Conduct a raffle and donate a portion of the proceeds to a charity.
Take your plan to the bank and try to obtain a small business loan.
There are a million ways to acquire capital but these suggestions should point you in the right direction. Try to focus on a model that has low overhead and initial capital investment, find something that people want; it doesn't matter if it is a product or service, keep in mind that if you start small you can always continue to invest and grow the business over time and you won't be burdened by huge expenses.
It is also recommended that you seek out industry experts that know about your field or niche and try to obtain advice and feedback regarding your plan. If you attempt to learn from other people's mistakes, it will save you a lot of time and hassle!
Try to make a profit from day one, if you can manage this then you're operation is sure to be successful!
This author has a passion for teaching and has been helping people learn ways to make money for more than three years. His website entitled Your Blog Is Money is focused on teaching people how to make a blog and more importantly, how to make money online from blogging!
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Locke_Dauch

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